Following on from my previous blog with this delightful yew I thought I'd share more of my question and answer session with her as she gives further thought provoking insights:
Do you talk to different tree species?
Yes and no. Not as a rule, however if they are struggling in some way we lend our strength, love and support.
Do they have a different energy pattern?
All trees have their own energy pattern, in the same way that all humans are uniquely human.
When do new souls come into new saplings?
That is a good question. As soon as the life force starts flowing through its growth, the soul or spirit energy will arrive.
Does it come from the same universal spiritual realm?
Yes, but from a different dimension.
Do you know in advance how long you'll live for?
Again, yes and no. We are aware of the intended life span for our experience but the exact moment is unknown.
How do you know the English language?
We have had many lifetimes Little One. We have had our time to learn, listening to human folk chatter. It did not take us too long to pick up the dialect and we are able to share and pool our knowledge with one another to quicken the process.
What happens to the spiritual beings of species that become extinct?
They go back to the time portals and learn and wait for another opportunity to co-create on a different planet.
Do yews have an opinion of the human race?
You are both wise and stupid all at once. You are contrary in nature and often act without thought to the repercussions of your actions and the effect they may have. However you have the ability to show great strength and resilience at times of adversity and the openness of heart for loving deeply and unconditionally, should you choose. We do not judge you for your extremes, we just hope you will overcome your impulsive tendencies for greed and power.
Why did you choose to be a tree rather than something else?
We wanted to live a long time between incarnations, to get a true feel for the world and its offerings without starting from a young age each time, building up our strength. We wished to capitalise our learning experience and take away as much as possible at one time, thus speeding up our spiritual evolution.
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